Houston v. Standingready, [1991] 2 C.N.L.R. 65 (Sask. C.A.)
The Appellant was dismissed from his job with a company operating on a reserve. He obtained judgment against the company and each of the respondents as directors of the company. The Appellant subsequently commenced garnishee proceedings against the Respondents. The Respondent directors of the company were treaty Indians residing on the reserve; however, their bank accounts were located off the reserve. The issue was whether the property the Appellant sought to garnishee was property situated on the reserve for the purposes of section 89(1) of the Indian Act, and thus immune from garnishment proceedings. This document is the factum of the Appellant.
In collections
- Title
- Houston v. Standingready, [1991] 2 C.N.L.R. 65 (Sask. C.A.)
- Creator
- Subject
- Description
- The Appellant was dismissed from his job with a company operating on a reserve. He obtained judgment against the company and each of the respondents as directors of the company. The Appellant subsequently commenced garnishee proceedings against the Respondents. The Respondent directors of the company were treaty Indians residing on the reserve; however, their bank accounts were located off the reserve. The issue was whether the property the Appellant sought to garnishee was property situated on the reserve for the purposes of section 89(1) of the Indian Act, and thus immune from garnishment proceedings. This document is the factum of the Appellant.
- Publisher
- Contributor
- SK - Court of Appeal, Houston, Terry (Appellant), Standingready, Russell,Bigeagle, Keith,Whitebear, Clayton,Kakakaway, Neil,McArthur, Donald (Respondent)
- Date
- 1990-08-15
- Type
- Format
- Identifier
- legal:1052, local: , nation: First Nations
- Source
- Language
- Relation
- Coverage
- North America--Canada--Saskatchewan
- Rights