Legal Pleadings
- Elizabeth Metis Settlement v. Transwest Energy Inc.
- Memorandum from the Appellant reagarding the legal jurisdiction of the ELLAP.
- Elizabeth Metis Settlement v. Transwest Energy Inc.
- Leave to appeal brought by Paramount Resources Ltd., Transwest Energy Inc., and others. The application is based on a dispute whether Existing Leases Land Panel (ELLAP) can hear alleged breaches of contract entered into as Elizabeth Métis Settlement, Métis Settlements general Council and Transwest (the assignee of the contracts).
- Elizabeth Metis Settlement v. Transwest Energy Inc.
- Leave to appeal brought by Paramount Resources Ltd., Transwest Energy Inc., and others. The application is based on a dispute whether Existing Leases Land Panel (ELLAP) can hear alleged breaches of contract entered into as Elizabeth Métis Settlement, Métis Settlements general Council and Transwest (the assignee of the contracts).
- Elizabeth Metis Settlement v. Transwest Energy Inc.
- Leave to appeal brought by Paramount Resources Ltd., Transwest Energy Inc., and others. The application is based on a dispute whether Existing Leases Land Panel (ELLAP) can hear alleged breaches of contract entered into as Elizabeth Métis Settlement, Métis Settlements general Council and Transwest (the assignee of the contracts).
- Elizabeth Métis Settlement v. Transwest Energy Inc.
- Leave to appeal brought by Paramount Resources Ltd., Transwest Energy Inc., and others. The application is based on a dispute whether Existing Leases Land Panel (ELLAP) can hear alleged breaches of contract entered into as Elizabeth Métis Settlement, Métis Settlements general Council and Transwest (the assignee of the contracts).
- Fishing Lake Metis Settlement v. Metis Settlements Appeal Tribunal Land Access Panel
- Imperial Oil Resources Limited held a right of entry onto Fishing Lake Métis Settlement. Upon utilizing that right of way Imperial Oil was to consult and pay compensation where it was warranted. The appeal is based on entitlement to compensation and whether the Panel erred in determining the appropriate compensation period.
- George v. George, [1997] 2 C.N.L.R. 62 (B.C.C.A.)
- The Respondent seeks an order under the Family Relations Act for compensation for the Appellant having access to the matrimonial home located on the Burrard Indian Reserve No. 3 in British Columbia.
- Grand Chief Mathew Coon Come et al. v. Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada et al.
- Appellants factum regarding requesting an injunction to stop the Great Whale River Hydroelectric Project. The requested injunction is based on Indians in Northern Quebec asserting their Indian title and existing Aboriginal and treaty rights to the affected land.
- Greyeyes v. R.
- The case addresses the issue of whether money received for education is taxable income.
- Greyeyes v. R.
- The case addresses the issue of whether money received for education is taxable income.
- Guerin v. The Queen, [1985] 1 C.N.L.R. 120 (S.C.C.), rev'g [1983] 1 C.N.L.R. 20 (F.C.A.)
- In this case, the Supreme Court of Canada first addressed the Crown's fiduciary obligation to Aboriginal peoples. It also deals with the general inalienability of land and the Crown's obligations to treat First Nations in an honourable and fair manner. (Appendixes are included with this document). This is the Factum of the Appellant.
- Guerin v. The Queen, [1985] 1 C.N.L.R. 120 (S.C.C.), rev\\\\'g [1983] 1 C.N.L.R. 20 (F.C.A.)
- In this case, the Supreme Court of Canada first addressed the Crown's fiduciary obligation to Aboriginal peoples. It also deals with the general inalienability of land and the Crown's obligations to treat First Nations in an honourable and fair manner. (Appendixes are included with this document). This is the Factum of the Appellants.