Tsawwassen Indian Band v. Delta (City), [1998] 1 C.N.L.R. 290 (B.C.C.A.)
Does municipal corporation owe a common law duty to provide essential services of fire protection to all property and persons with the boundaries of the municipality? Further, can a municipality legally withhold the services in order to control the type of development and density of those developments?
Tsawwassen Indian Band v. Delta (City), [1998] 1 C.N.L.R. 290 (B.C.C.A.)
Does a municipal corporation owe a common law duty to provide essential services of fire protection to all property and persons with the boundaries of the municipality? Further, can a municipality legally withhold the services in order to control the type of development and density of those developments?
Tseshaht Indian Band v. R.
This is the factum of the Attorney General of Canada which addresses whether a prepayment scheme for machinery is a form of taxation in violation of s. 87 of the Indian Act.
Uukw et al. v. R. In Right of British Columbia and Registrar, Prince Rupert Land Title District
\The Crown in right of British Columbia and the registrar of land titles appealed an order directing the registrar to register two certificates of lis pendens against certain unalienated Crown lands arising out of an action asserting aboriginal rights over those lands. The appellant contended that if the interest in land claimed by the respondents is not registrable under the Land Title Act, R.S.B.C. 1979, c.219, then they are not entitled to register a certificate of lis pendens in respect of that interest. In answer the respondents contended that they claim an interest in land and a registrable interest need not be shown for registration of a certificate of lis pendens. Alternatively, they contend that their claims to interests in land are encumbrances under the Act and registrable as such.\" [1988] 1 C.N.L.R. 173 "
V.P. v. Attorney General of Canada and William Starr
V.P. claims to have been at the residential school at the Gordon reserve. He claims to have been physically and sexually assaulted while at this residential school. He seeks damages against both the Attorney General of Canada and William Starr (the school administrator).
Vachon c. Commission des lésions professionnelles et Commission...[2000] 4 C.N.L.R. 292 (Que. C.A.)
A member of the Betsiamites Reserve was injured at work. While he was employed, he did not have to pay income tax. However, his Workers Compensation payments were calculated on an amount that assumed payment of income. Un membre de la réservation de Betsiamites a été blessé au travail. Tandis qu\\'il était employé, il n\\'a pas dû payer l\\'impôt sur le revenu. Cependant, des paiements de compensation de ses ouvriers ont été calculés sur une tax.... " Quoted from Imai, Shin, "The 2002 Annotated Indian Act and Aboriginal Constitutional Provisions".(Toronto: Carswell), 2002. This factum is in French.